Tenant Contractors
Should you require the emergency services of a plumber or an electrician, please be aware that the call out charges for our contractors are considerably higher during out of hours times.
If our office is closed and you call our contractors yourself and the work is deemed to be non-urgent you will be charged for the call out. You must not call the contractor within office hours, you must instead call our office and our team will gladly arrange for a contractor to attend where necessary.

Thorpe Eco Limited

Ashley Thorpe: 07850 214 957
Scott Thorpe: 07713 485 750


MTS Electrical (Goole) Limited

Barbara: 07896 058797
Home: 01405 764374
Tony: 07809483547

Please note, we apply the ruling of Warren v Keen (1953) when deciding whether works should be paid by the Landlord or tenant. Please refer to this for guidance. Please advise us below regarding emergency calls that you have made, we need to know who you called and what the reason for the call was.
Providing information now along with the photographic evidence will make it more likely that the cost of the call out to be covered by your landlord, although we cannot guarantee this, we will strongly support your case if the reason for the call seems justified. In the rare case that a landlord might dispute a genuine emergency we will act as Agent of Necessity.